Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Paint (a cookie) with water! Thanksgiving activity for the kids.

Whew, Halloween over - check! Next up a wonderful month of inspired gratitude, remembering your daily blessings, warmth, coziness and of course the insanely huge meal at the end of the month that provides leftovers for two weeks! 

I've hosted Thanksgiving dinner for my husband's family for a few years and have quite enjoyed it. It's not always how I envision it in my mind but it is what it is and that is family, food and a few laughs along the way. 

This year if I can keep my kids away from these little beauties until turkey day, I will have them paint their own cookie a few hours before dinner. (Maybe a mid-day snack?) Who really eats 3 square meals on Thanksgiving?

Remember those paint with water books from when we were kids? This is the same idea. These are basically watercolor cookies. You dip a food-safe paint brush (provided) in a bit of water, wipe it on a paper towel, and then pick up the color you want to paint your turkey with. You may have to do the paint "pick-up" a couple of times but this really does work. But remember that you don't want your cookie to get soggy from too much water. Keep paper towels close by to dab excess water off your cookie. If you just can't wait, well I won't tell anyone that you didn't color in everything, just enjoy it! It's a cookie! 

If nothing else it may give you a few moments to peel potatoes or get in a card game with your cousin and a cute photo op with the littles at your holiday celebration. 


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